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Custom Letter Templates

Custom Letter Templates

On-Point With Every Communication - Every Time

We all know that many of the programs we use today come with "letter templates".
Keynote, Pages, Mail, Microsoft Word and Excel, Numbers, OmniGraffle.

The great benefit within the business environment is great looking communication with consistency of message.
The reality, however, is that this benefit goes largely unused. The lack of understanding letter templates themselves, combined with not knowing how to implement them effectively, will reduce efficiency and consistency.

Letters of introduction, sales, thank you, invitations, labels and so many more may be customized to a single contact or multiple contacts at one time - and then a copy of the letter is retained in Daylite "linked" to the Contact's permanent history. Imagine, now we're talking time saving and real customer relationship.

But let's not stop there - these unheralded work-flow improvers can incorporate customized agreements and contracts with fields automatically filled-in using information in Daylite Opportunities and Projects as well.

1. Save Time.
2. Message Consistency
3. Write It Once
4. Improved Work-Flow

This is a considered part of every effective Orion Daylite implementation

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