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Data Migration

Data Migration

Moving Your Information From There To Here

At the end end of the day, we are all moving information around. Data migration differs a bit in that it's the process of transferring data between storage types, format and/or computer systems. The goal is to migrate as much of the needed information from one system to another while maintaining the relationships between those pieces of information. For example, maintaining the relationship between a Contact and their Notes and Appointments, and the Company they work for.

Due to often unique or proprietary technology, this can sometimes be difficult or impossible and careful thought is needed to determine the return-on-investment.

Orion has been migrating data between systems since 1986. Those systems include the following hardware and software platforms: 4D, Access, ACT, Address Book, Bento, CAT, DB2, Entourage, Filemaker, GoldMine, Outlook, Prime, SQL, VAX, Windows, Salesforce, SalesNexus. We won't say it's a specialty of ours, but it is part of every implementation we do.

With well over 300 database and CRM solutions available, you can imagine the challenge. It's not always possible or reasonable to do what we want, but with careful consideration, we can find that out early in the process and create a solution that meets both your needs as well as your budget.

This is a considered part of every effective Orion Daylite implementation.

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