Apple Macintosh Business Solutions | Daylite Training & Support

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Education & Training

Education & Training

Orion has developed training and education for both CRM best practices as well as Daylite.

It is customer relationship management that a business needs a solution for and there are proven matrix for that environment.

Daylite is a robust solution that also benefits from a methodical phased approach to learning.

• Business training.

• Apple business team development.

• Apple store customer facing events.

• iPad in Business events.

Whether looking for training on specific skill sets or a deeper dive Orion will facilitate your needs.

• Course: Daylite CRM Best Practice & Foundations: The theory of CRM and in-depth understanding of the benefits and competitive advantage. Implementation based on the challenges and constraints companies face while incorporating CRM. Potent use of Categories, Keywords, Industries and Roles in establishing a "franchise-quality" CRM. Upon completion you will have a CRM customized to quickly identify your Vendors, Prospects, Clients and understand why every contact, company and communication is in Daylite.

• Course: Implementing Internal Brand Identity Through CRM: Building company-wide message consistency and branding with your team that will translate to your customer base. With the use of strong and simple naming methods, frustration is eliminated while team output is increased; and, on the Apple platform, that translates to more fun and production. The use of custom letter templates creates ease of use and message consistency for corporate-wide communications, and maintaing a history within Daylite is a powerful tool.

• Course: Productivity & Work Flow: Basic: Institute your industry-standard work flow through logical use of Opportunities and Projects, Appointments, Tasks and Notes. Create a collaborative environment for your team and management.

• Course: Productivity & Work Flow: Advanced: Understand, articulate and implement strategic data mining and analysis. Create powerful tools to manage customer relationship and retention. This is done through the use of dynamic Smart Lists and industrial-strength queries, searches and sorts.

• Course: CRM & Mobility: Build a mobile strategy based on your successful implementation of Daylite. Whether Daylite lives in your office, or Orion's data center with our Hosting or SaaS managed services, published reports indicate between a 14.6% and 23% increase in productivity.

• Course: CRM-As-A-Business Strategy: For sustained success, customer relationship management strategy must be aligned with the organization's mission, purpose and business strategies. CRM strategies are ever-changing processes; as the organization and industry change, so will the CRM strategy. If developing successful CRM strategies and objectives were either easy or routine, the implementation failure rate would not be deplorably high (over 50% according to research firm Gartner).

• Course: CRM For Marketing Professionals: CRM is the center of a company's marketing efforts. By maintaing a pure and accurate data source, your CRM then provides timely and accurate information to both marketing personnel and marketing initiatives. With a successful CRM implementation, targeted, vertical and demographic marketing can be accomplished through email, internet, telephone and traditional mail.

Additional courses are available upon request and customized to produce highly-effective results.

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